
A tracking approach that unleashes the power of server-side tracking, first party identifiers (FPID) & ‘known user’ history lookups to supercharge your analytics and marketing pixels.

Lower your marketing CPAs.
Capture more data.
Enrich data quality.
Align your tracking to today’s industry needs.

You’re losing signals & ad performance. Don’t.

The industry is moving in the right direction to take away all the sneaky ways in which AdTech used to track data.

Browsers are implementing more safeguards to improve user privacy. 3rd party cookies are going away for good.

But that does not mean your business should lose data, conversion signals and advertising performance where you don’t need to.

Perpetual Positive ROI.

Any costs you incur on implementing Unbrokn are usually recovered within just a few days through improved advertising outcomes. (or depending upon your ad spends, sometimes even within a few hours)

And those benefits will then continue in perpetuity, as compared to the time where you didn’t have it.


It really is a no brainer.

Get More Data.

You could be losing anywhere between 5-25% of your data due to Ad blockers.

By loading your tracking container in a first party context, and by sending data to your analytics and marketing pixels server side, you can track a lot more data.

That’s improved visibility for you, and increased learning signals for your ad platforms.

Lower your CPAs.

Your marketing pixels receive far richer data with explicit first party customer information being supplied for as many pixel events as possible.

This means better re-marketing audiences, better conversion tracking, faster learning periods and lower cost per conversion.

How do we do it? By leveraging first party identifiers (FPID) along with NoSQL document lookups, we can link far more unidentified visits to previously captured customer information.

Improve User Continuity.

With server side FPIDs in play, your analytics can remember your users far longer, and be far more resilient from breakages due to browser cookie expirations.

Which means, you can better see the journey of your users across multiple sessions, know the true volume of your returning users, and reduce bloat in your ‘direct’ traffic counts.

Improve Attribution.

Better user continuity, combined with the ability to link unidentified visitors to your first party data – means better attribution. Not only in your analytics platform, but also in your Advertising platforms.

And, of course, better attribution intelligence means better decisions.

Let’s understand this better.